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HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Thomas Strasser

Senior Scientist

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


5 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

My organisation

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Research and Development Institution

Vienna, Austria

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria's largest research and technology organisation. Among the European research institutes, AIT is a specialist in the key infrastructure issues of the future.
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About me

Thomas Strasser received a master's and a PhD degree from the Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) and he was awarded the Venia Docendi (habilitation) in the field of automation from the same university. For several years, he has been a senior scientist in the Center for Energy of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. His main responsibilities involve the strategic development of smart grid automation and validation research projects as well as the mentoring/supervising of junior scientists. More information about me is provided at my researcher profiles at AIT and ORCID.

My organisation

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

We are Austria’s largest Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and an international key player in many of the research areas we cover. This makes us a leading development partner for the industry and a top employer within the international scientific community.

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  • Automation and Control
  • Validation
  • testing
  • Project coordination and management


  • smart grids
  • Power and Energy Systems
  • Power Utility Automation
  • Automation and Control

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemdevelop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesdevelop and validate integrated regional and local energy systems, NoREST initiativedevelop and demonstrate technical solutions for integrated industrial energy systemsprovide solutions and technologies for buildings to become an active element in the energy system