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Felix Strehle

Research Group Lead "Networked Multi-Energy Systems"

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


1 profile visitPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

My team and I develop physics-, data- and learning-based methods to operate the sustainable energy systems of tomorrow in a coupled, efficient and safe manner.


Felix Strehle received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering and information technology and the Ph.D. degree in control engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, in 2015, 2017, and 2024, respectively. Since June 2022, he has been leading the research group on networked multi-energy systems at the Institute of Control Systems (IRS), KIT. His main research interests are centered around energy-based modeling and decentralized, passivity-based control, and stability with application to networked multi-energy systems such as power systems, microgrids, district heating networks, gas networks, and integrated combinations thereof.

My organisation

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


We are the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, a internationally leading research university located in the South of Germany. With a strong focus on innovation and global collaboration, we bring together top academics and industry partners to drive cutting-edge research and advancements in various fields. Our mission is to educate the next generation of talent and contribute to solving global challenges through interdisciplinary approaches.

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  • modeling of energy systems
  • System and control solutions for energy systems
  • International research collaborations
  • Project planning
  • Establishing research networks
  • Leading interdisciplinary research teams
  • System theory
  • Control Engineering
  • Modeling and Simulation


  • Multi-Energy Systems
  • district heating
  • Sector Coupling
  • Integrated energy system solutions
  • Control solutions for energy systems
  • smart grids
  • power systems
  • microgrids
  • System theory
  • modeling of energy systems

Additional questions

I am interested in the following Call Modules of the Joint Call 2024:

Call Module 1: Data spaces and interoperabilityCall Module 2: Energy system flexibilityCall Module 3: Advanced renewable energy technologies for power productionCall Module 6: Heating and cooling technologiesCall Module 8: Integrated regional energy systemsCall Module 9: Integrated industrial energy systems

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemdevelop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesprovide enhanced and improved heating & cooling technologies and systemsdevelop and validate integrated regional and local energy systems, NoREST initiativedevelop and demonstrate technical solutions for integrated industrial energy systems


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Research and Development Institution
