HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Raquel Jorge

Research coordinator

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


6 profile visitsPartner in a CETPartnership funded project

Research Coordinator at NTNU Dep. of Industrial Economics and Technology Management. I work with development of international collaborative research activities.


My organisation

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


NTNU is Norway's largest university, with main profile in science and technology. NTNU has about 43 882 students, 400 study programmes and 9100 employees.

Some NTNU research highlights:

  • Host or partner in 46 national research centres;

  • Participates in 263 Horizon 2020 projects and awarded 28 ERC grants;

  • More than 100 laboratories / research infrastructure, of which several are national resources.

Our group is part of the NTNU's Department of Industrial Economics and technology Management, section on Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research.

The group's research focus is economic analysis and modelling of the energy transition and its different dimensions. We contribute to the development of modelling tools spanning different time horizons and aggregation levels (e.g., from demand models, to network models, optimal dispatch models, energy market models and macro-economic models).​

Examples of research topics:​

  • Power markets analysis​

    • Formulating electricity market design options

    • Local markets and peer-to-peer trading​

    • Planning and operation of T&D grids​

    • Managing uncertainty in power systems​

  • Balancing of renewable energy​

  • Optimal utilization of distributed flexible resources

  • Macro-economic impacts of the green transition (CGE modelling)​

  • Justice and fairness implications of the energy transition​

  • Linkage: economic models - ethical dimensions

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