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Nabladot, S.L.

Company (SME)

23 profile visits


Nabladot, S.L. is an SME (www.nabladot.com) with more than 20 years of experience in the use of numerical techniques and data analysis to support companies from the energy and industry sector in the optimization of their processes, the design of their products or the improvement of their equipment/installations performance.

We have extensive experience participating in European projects (FP7, H2020, Eranet). We have a broad portfolio of tools, experience and capabilities with which to contribute to R&D projects. The development of multiphysics models, multiscale models, real-time models and digital twins are examples of our contributions to R&D projects. These developments support the design of equipment/processes and the optimization of their operation.

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Antonio Gómez

R&D manager

Nabladot, S.L.

Marketplace (4)