Renewable Consumer Electrical Cooperative from Madrid with 1000 consumer members, working under the Social Economy principles. We are a small company that sells and buys renewable energy in the Energy Market (Private utility) and support a fair energy transition in Madrid with our services and projects. Experience in H2020 projects. Topics that we work on: Energy Communities, Demand Flexibility, Grid , citizen energy empowerment, energy poverty, energy governance, energy sharing, electrical mobility, low carbon economy, circular economy
What we offer:
- Real energy data from consumers.
- Community and user engagment.
- Real demo and pilot testing (buildings, small business)
- Knoledge about spanish energy market and solar market.
- Contacts and networks (municipalities, social economy, eco business, etc.)
- Replication and dissemination.
We are interested in looking for partners to build a consortium.
- Companies which can write and leader proposals.
- Digital solutions for energy sharing
- Monitoring energy systems.
- Flexibility and aggregation
- Energy communities