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Act4Value is an RTI partnership that promotes networking and the establishment of networks and thematic groups on the topic of organic residue valorisation in order to advance research & innovation. Act4Value brings together various actors who promote the implementation of regional material and energy cycles. In a joint process, viable holistic concepts for a cycle-oriented use of organic residues are described. Obstacles, driving factors and open questions are identified. This is who we are...

Our vision... Our task is to prove here in Lower Austria that our future can be decided at the regional level, that organic residues can be utilised with modern processes, that we can develop concrete products from the abstract idea of sustainability. Together we are working towards a great goal: From biogenic residues to valuable economic products. In this context, we will ... ... enable carbon and nutrient recycling ... generate ecological benefits through soil improvement ... generate non-fossil carbon products ... provide valuable disposal alternatives ... establish integrated renewable energy concepts; and ... develop climate-positive solutions.
