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Centro Combustione Ambiente Spa

Company (Industry)

2 profile visits


Centro Combustione Ambiente Spa (CCA)

CCA is an industrial research center fully equipped to perform testing of burners, different products and complete processes mainly related to the energy sector in size scale from 100 kWth up to 45 MWth.

CCA performs R&D testing activities as independent platform for different industrial Customers in different sectors of application and with the use of different fossils and renewable fuels as well as coal or biomass; liquids as HFO or Biooil and gaseous as Natural Gas, LPG or H2green, NH3green, and others .

The main foci are:

• Execution of combustion test in industrial scale for different burners and energy conversion systems as well as:

• Burners for Boiler in power and industrial application; Gas Turbine and different industrial processes

• Gasifiers;

• Micro-turbines; heat exchangers; etc.

• Audit on field for emission diagnostic or performance test;

• Development and construction of prototypes in the energy conversion sector;

• Development of dedicated diagnostic devices;

In the 35 years’ experience CCA has been an important partner for the most update combustion technologies development and several smart diagnostic devices.



Antonio Ferrante

R&D Manager

Centro Combustione Ambiente Spa