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Czestochowa University of Technology


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Czestochowa University of Technology is the oldest and the largest university in the region with over 70 years of scientific and educational tradition. It has noticeably shaped the identity of our city, giving it the character of an academic and scientific centre. This decades-long tradition is combined with its present-day innovations and continuous development. Czestochowa University of Technology is a friendly and open university, full of people with passion – highly qualified academic staff and international student community. The current image of Czestochowa University of Technology is largely determined by investments financed by government grants and EU funds. Thanks to these funds, the University's facilities have been modernised, the appearance of faculty buildings, student dormitories and the academic campus has changed, and laboratories have been equipped with world-class equipment. Czestochowa University of Technology educates highly qualified specialists in technical and economic sciences, who shape the Polish economy based on knowledge, using technological innovations and following the principles of sustainable development. It has educated over 90,000 graduates, engineering staff of the highest competence, not only for the Czestochowa region. The achievements of Czestochowa University of Technology in the field of scientific research, modern industrial technologies, innovative patents and educational activities are confirmed by high positions in rankings conducted by independent institutions. A tangible recognition of its status is given by numerous awards and distinctions granted in recent years. The Accreditation Committee for Technical Universities accredited and awarded the Computer Science degree programme with the European EUR-ACE® Label Certificate. At the International Invention and Design EXPO KIDE 2020, our scientists received 17 medals for inventions submitted
for the competition. Their scientific, teaching, implementation and organisational activities have also been appreciated, as evidenced
by awards granted by the Minister of Education and Science. Czestochowa University of Technology has also been honoured in the field of Social Sciences with the prestigious ELSEVIER Research Impact Leaders Awards – an award that distinguishes research projects contributing to a better recognition of Polish science in the world. Moreover, students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science research club have been successful in international Mars rovers competitions for years, taking top positions. Czestochowa University of Technology is a university which successfully operates in the demanding educational market, and its scientific and research work brings measurable benefits in various areas of economic and social activity.

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Artur Dróżdż

Associate Professor

Czestochowa University of Technology

Marketplace (1)

  • Project cooperation

    Passive method of turbulent flow separation control for offshore wind energy

    Research is devoted to implement a novel passive control method of turbulent flow separation for the longest offshore wind turbine blades.

    • Other
    • Investor
    • Consultant
    • R&D Partner
    • Demonstrator
    • Technology Partner
    • Validator/Living lab
    • CM2024-03A/03B: Advanced renewable energy (RE) technologies for power production

    Artur Dróżdż

    Associate Professor at Czestochowa University of Technology
