ExpertiseUpdated on 16 January 2024

HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-04: Development and implementation of online monitoring and diagnostic tools for electrolysers

Xabier Sevillano

Innovation Technician at Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER)

Pamplona, Spain


In the context of this topic, CENER technical contribution could be any of these:

  • Testing the performance of SOEL cells and stacks and the implemented sensing devices, by monitoring how this sensors affect the electrochemical efficiency, and analysing their interactions. To do that, HyGrIn lab has equipment for testing them at several scales, from small (button cells and 5x5 or 10x10 cm2 cells) to large stacks (5 to 10 kW), reaching 1000 ºC. Those testing activities could be complemented by previous computational simulations (to endorse existing models or improving them) and analysis of components before and after the tests.

  • Testing of developed solutions under controlled energy situations, such as fluctuating electricity input conditions simulating different representative conditions (i.e: different RES applied or combined, or simulating offshore conditions). To do that, CENER has its own microgrid ( for research and testing purposes, then allowing to carry out pilot testing of diagnostic platform and its related hardware under controlled conditions.


  • RENEWABLE HYDROGEN PRODUCTION (PCCEL, AEMEL, Seawater Electrolysis, Development Tools for Electrolysers etc..)

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