Project cooperationUpdated on 28 January 2024

Small hydrogen valley

Prof.Dr. Rana Atabay Kuşçu

Director of Sustainable Development Center at Istanbul Medipol University

Istanbul, Türkiye


The proposed project aims to develop and demonstrate a small-scale Hydrogen Valley in the Mersin region of Türkiye, showcasing the ability of hydrogen and its associated technologies to decarbonize different sectors in Türkiye, the EU**,** and neighboring countries in the Mediterranean. The project demonstrates how hydrogen enables sector coupling and allows for large integration of renewable energy, covering the complete value chain of hydrogen from production to distribution, storage, and industrial end-use, to decarbonize regions by harnessing renewables.


  • Planning


  • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-06-02: Small-scale Hydrogen Valley


  • Demonstration

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