Wednesday, 26 March 2025 | 09:25 - 11:15
1st Day Morning Plenary Sessions
09.25-09.30 Welcome by moderator, Simone van Trier
09:30-09.35 Introduction to Cluster Meet Regions, Teodora Jilkova, ECCP
09.35-10.00 Opening Session. Connection. Leading. Entrepreneurial. Scoring. Enjoying. Historical. That´s Brabant at its best.
Paul van Nunen, Managing Director, Brainport Development
Sander Groenen, Managing Director, AgriFood Capital
Jakub Boratynski, Director for Networks & Governance at Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission (to be confirmed)
Moderated by Simone van Trier
10.00-10.15 Presentation of the Input Paper, Jan-Philipp Kramer, Head of EU-Services at Prognos AG / TEAM ECCP
10.15-10.35 Keynote “Regional economic development and the role of clusters in regional innovation ecosystems”, Koenraad Debackere, Executive Director, KU Leuven Research & Development / Vice Chairman, Leuven Mindgate
10:35-10.55 Keynote “Operating in a regional innovation ecosystem”
10.55-11.15 Keynote “Brabant, nursery of strong triple helix collaborations for competitiveness”, Martijn van Gruijthuijsen, Regional Minister in charge of Economy and Innovation, Province of Noord-Brabant
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