Thursday, 20 March 2025 | 10:00 - 11:15
Composites Recycling and Circularity in the Alpine Space conference
- Composites recycling
- Circular Economy
10.00 -10.10 : Welcome and presentation of services support offered by Cradle-ALP partners
10.10-10.20 : Brief overview of the regulation framework on Composites recycling – Dr. Florian Part from BOKU University
10.20 - 10.35 : Applicability of the "Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD)-principle for SMEs : benefits and challenges - Christoph Olscher from BOKU University
10.35-10.55 : Composites End-of-life management : challenges and solutions for SMEs – Romain Agogué from IPC, Industrial Technical Center for Plastics and Composites
10.55 -11.15 : SMEs pitches on key circularity challenges and best-practices in the polymer, composites and chemistry industry
NMB - Mechanical recycling process for composite materials
Polyloop - Decentralised mechanical recycling of composites waste
Extracthive - Solvent-based process to reclaim high-quality, green, and affordable carbon fibre from composite waste
11.15-16.00 : Online B2B meetings through the Cradle-ALP – Circular Alpine Space community on B2match platform
8 speakers