Creativity meets Clusters 2024

19–20 Nov 2024 | Bari, Italy

Masseria LoJazzo - theHeartAI


masserialojazzo.itCeglie Messapica, Italy
5 profile visits


In fairy Valle d'Itria, the very heart of Apulia, Masseria LoJazzo welcomes you with its unique balance between century old heritage, wild nature and contemporary creativity. Located in a pivotal position in regard to the main touristic attractions of Puglia, MLJ is a small village of 11 trulli and  a charming masseria building, immersed within a thriving orchard made with botanical love and big old trees. Its ancient stone walls draw on the map the shape of a heart. You'll be the special guest and find inspiration, relax, beauty.

Masseria LoJazzo has a strong artistic and artisanal dimension. Rooms' design is all in-house, from the concept to the making: here, every furniture and detail is a work of art, every chair, sofa, lamp, point of view has been drawn with emotional purpose and inspiration, as well as the romantic and serendipitous bistro, a jewel of Puglia cuisine. Things that simply don't exist elsewhere.

A glorious 20 years old story of events and festivals is still going on. Ask for the last artistic/publishing/design project MLJ is up to; treasure-hunt the art pieces disseminated everywhere; attend the festivals programmed along the year, or just have a walk in the Maze, where many spiritual answers can be found.

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Nicola Zucchi

theHeartAI Founder CEO - Masseria LoJazzo Creative Director

Masseria LoJazzo - theHeartAI