CV+i Health Day

11 feb 2025 | Valencia, España

Laura García Carmona

Responsable I+D biotecnología sensores wearable/portátiles

Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE)

Valencia, España

19 visitas al perfilPonentePonentes

Desarrollo de biosensores electroquímicos portátiles o wearable para medida de parámetros fisiologicos (incluye bioquímicos azúcares, proteínas, ADN, etc)

Acerca de mí

With a background in Molecular Biology, Laura García Carmona achieved her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Alcalá in 2019. Her research is focused on the development of portable and wearable electrochemical (bio)-sensors using nanomaterials and microfluidic strategies. During this period, she completed a 6-month predoctoral stay (2017-2018) at the University of California San Diego, in the group of Dr. Joseph Wang. In 2019 she finished her doctoral thesis receiving several recognitions, including the award for the best doctoral thesis by the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry -territorial section of Madrid- and the award for the best Doctoral Thesis 2019 of the specialized group of Science and Bioanalytical Technologies. She joined the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE) in June of the same year, where she currently works as Head of the Biosensor and Biofuel Cells area, where she and her team work on developing enzymatic biofuel cells and electrochemical biosensors for personal and environmental monitoring.

Redes sociales


  • Biosensores
  • Biosensors
  • electroquimica
  • Electrochemistry

Preguntas adicionales


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Áreas de interés (marca una o varias)

Producto sanitarioMedicina personalizadaDiagnóstico

¿Qué le gustaría encontrar en CV+i Health Day?

Difusión para mis proyectosContacto con investigadores y/o tecnólogosContacto con empresas y/o inversoresConocer las tendencias de innovación

Sesiones de ponente (1)

martes, 11 de febrero de 2025

12:00 - 13:30