Julio Madrigal-Matute, PhD
Group leader Autophagy and Oncological Nutrition. Cofounder IBIONS
Universitat de València
Valencia, España
Ramón y Cajal researcher at UV. My research focuses on the role of autophagy in adjuvant nutritional interventions in cancer therapy. I also coFounded IBIONS.
Mi organización
Acerca de mí
In 2021, I decided to co-found IBIONS in order to directly apply my extensive knowledge to helping people. I hold a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biomedicine. I possess extensive knowledge in basic and clinical oncology, as well as in clinical nutrition and endocrinology. In addition, I hold a Master's degree in Nutrition and Obesity Coaching. I have conducted research on the role of nutrition in the onset of metabolic diseases like cancer and have published over 40 articles in high-impact international journals. In 2024 I started at Universidad de Valencia as a group leader in the Autophagy and Onconutrion lab.
Citations 10347, h-index 25, i10-index 34
- nutrición
- dieta
- metabolismo
- cancer
- cardiovascular
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Sesiones de ponente (1)
martes, 11 de febrero de 2025
12:00 - 13:30