Cyber Founder Tour Grand Ouest

24 avr. 2025 | Rennes, France


Soazig Themoin

Associée Dirigante

Groupe Vidon

Rennes, France

Mon organisation

Groupe Vidon

Groupe Vidon

Conseil / consultance

Conseil en propriété intellectuelle
En savoir plus

Sur moi

Soazig started her career as a lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property in 1994. Her expertise in Intellectual Property Law and her active participation in the firm's development led her to work extensively on IP issues in Europe and in Asia.

Soazig THEMOIN advices large groups and SME in their IP strategy by managing, monitoring, valuating, protecting and infringing their IP rights in a worldwide context.

As a Partner, and Managing Director of the VIDON IP Law Offices in France and in Asia, Soazig assures the development of the legal Department of VIDON IP Law Group, the Management of a team of European Trademark and Design Attorneys and Lawyers, Chinese and Thai Attorneys, while managing directly files, essentially in strategy of appropriation and valuation of the signs and the other creations, and associated disputes

Vice-President of the French Trademark and Patent Attorney's association (CNCPI), Soazig is also an active member of the APRAM (Trademark and Design practitioners' association), the AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of IP), the ECTA (European Community Trademark Association) and MARQUES. President of the association AtPi (Atlantic Intellectual Property), she is regularly speaker during local or international meetings and observer of the APAA (Asian Patent Attorneys Association).


  • Propriete intellectuelle