B2B: DigiHealthPT Partnerships

12–14 Mar 2025 | Porto, Portugal




smarthealth-edih.eu/en/homepag/Athens, Greece
1 profile visit


The European Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Health: Precision Medicine and Innovative E-health Services (smartHEALTH) is a one-stop-shop where SMEs, startups, mid-caps, and the public sector can get help to improve business & production processes and products & services by means of digital technology. Our hub offers highly specialized expertise in the flagship areas of precision medicine, cancer, medical image analysis, public sector digital transformation and infrastructure. This expertise is established through R&D excellence at national and international level. smartHEALTH brings together all the main R&I leaders of the Greek ecosystem in the field of digital and smart health to facilitate the digital transformation of the private and public sector.

Innovation and Technology in Healthcare

Health Solutions DevelopmentTech-driven Preventive CareHealthy AgeingArtificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare

Market Access and Industry Challenges

Patient Engagement and EmpowermentHealth Industry challenges and opportunitiesAI Ethics & Regulatory FrameworkMarket Access and InternationalizationBusiness Models


Constantine Koutsogiannis

Head of Unit - Enterprise Innovation


Marketplace (2)