Tuesday, 27 June 2023 | 13:50 - 15:10

Workshop 1: Countering and preventing hate and extremism in the DSA-era: challenges and new possibilities

Format:Live stream
40 participants

What are the challenges and needs linked to the identification and moderation of illegal hate speech faced by small platform? How will the DSA impact their work?

Starting from the example of right-wing extremist content, this workshop will explore the links between hate speech and violent extremism and the tools that can help tackle grey zone content considering both binding tools under the DSA and voluntary ones, such as the Code of Conduct on countering hate speech online.

Moderator: Henry Tuck, Head of Digital Policy at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue

  • Imran Ahmed, Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)

  • Josphine Ballon, Head of Legal, HateAid

  • Jozef Lestrade, Senior Specialist, Internet Referral Unit Europol

  • Tom Siegel, Co-founder and CEO, TrustLab

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