

www.beacontower.ioCopenhagen, Denmark


With the transition to green and renewable energy, the Energy & Utilities industry, whether it is utility of water, district heating or power, has many exciting and necessary challenges ahead.
There are many use cases in the future Energy & Utilities industry such as smart and micro-grids, power-to-x, heat pump systems, connected building automation systems, intelligent district heating, etc. What they all have in common is that they rely heavily on live data and often need to integrate with other stakeholders’ systems. This where Glaze with our Beacon Tower real-time data platform shines and therefore we are an enabler for data-driven projects across the whole utility value chain.

Social media

Sector coupling, System integration & Digitization

Data-intelligent energy systems (e.g. Drones, IoT, AI)


Jakob Appel

Managing Partner
