Wednesday, 15 November 2023 | 13:30 - 15:15
European Hydrogen Valleys
Format:Live streamTrack:Plenary
479 participants
Moderator: Antonio Aguilo Rullan
- Working with regions
Antonio Aguilo Rullan, Project Officer, Clean Hydrogen Partnership
- State of play of H2 valleys in Europe - Presentation of the Mission Innovation Platform
Markus Kaufmann, Partner, Roland Berger - Mission Innovation Platform
- Success Stories in H2 Valley: The GreenHysland Project
Víctor Encinas, Coordinator GreenHysland Project, Enagás Renovable
- A growing portfolio: the new projects on H2 Valleys:
North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley
- Jerneja Sedlar, Head of Development department, Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o.
- Jatta Jussila, CEO, CLIC Innovation Oy
- Mehmet Volkan Duman, Coordinator at Hydrogen Task Force, South Marmara Development Agency
- Konstantinos Chatzifotis, EU Affairs Manager, Motor Oil Group
- Spyridon Economou, Director General, Hydrogen Technologies, Eunice Energy Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
- Bruno Sodiro, Hydrogen Project Development Expert, RINA Consulting
Q&A + Panel Discussion
9 speakers