Matthias Breitwieser
Freiburg, Germany
15 profile visitsRemoteSpeaker
My organisation
ionysis is an innovative company from Freiburg, build upon 10+ years of R&D on catalyst-coated membranes for fuel cells and electrolyzers.
We have all the key competencies to integrate the latest material developments into your next-generation membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) with a strong focus on eco-friendly PFAS-free materials.
We provide customized CCMs and MEAs:
3-layer MEAs (CCMs) in sheet format up to 300 mm width, 5-layer and 7-layer MEAs manufactured according to customer needs
About me
My organisation
at ionysis we focus on the development and production of next-generation membrane-electrode-assemblies for fuel cells and electrolyzers. We have a dedicated focus on novel PFAS-reduced and PFAS-free formulations to meet future performance targets such as high operation temperatures for fuel cells or high efficiencys in PEM and AEM electrolysis.
Speaker sessions (1)
Thursday, 23 January 2025
17:00 - 18:30
European startups' e-pitching - Meetup event between Japanese corporates and European Startups
Format:Video conferencingTrack:Webinars
E-pitching of European Decarbonize related startups 日本でのビジネスパートナーシップに興味のある脱炭素分野EUスタートアップのオンラインピッチ