FLASC is the leading utility-scale solution suitable for projects requiring co-location of offshore energy production and energy storage. The objective is to bridge the gap between intermittent renewable energy production and a fluctuating consumer demand. This allows, for example, large offshore wind farms to improve the quality of the power that they provide to consumer grids, and also to supply reliable power in remote offshore locations, such as oil & gas infrastructure.
Our technology is tailor-made for the offshore market, leveraging existing infrastructure and established supply-chains. FLASC’s solution combines the principles of pumped hydro with compressed air using a patented hydro-pneumatic technology to offer a safe, reliable and cost-effective energy storage solution.
Application fields / Business Area / 応用分野・業種
Green Technologies / グリーン関連技術
Value Chain Key Words / バリューチェーンのキーワード
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Kind of partners sought / お探しのパートナー
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Year of foundation of the company/organisation / 会社・組織の設立年
Number of employees / 社員数
5-10Annual turnover / 年間売上
n/aLast round of funding - amount
Last round of funding - year
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