EU-Japan Green Transition

22 Jan – 21 Feb 2025 | Tokyo, Japan


UP Catalyst

Company (SME/startup) 中小企業・スタートアップ

upcatalyst.comTallinn, Estonia
21 profile visits


Meet us in person at East Hall 7, Booth Number: E81-8 (Tokyo Big Sight) of the Tokyo Smart Energy Week 2025.

UP Catalyst, an Estonian startup company, that offers CO₂ utilization technology to convert CO₂ emissions into battery-grade carbon nanotubes and graphite.

At UP Catalyst, we aim to establish Europe’s first large-scale sustainable production of advanced carbon materials utilizing captured CO₂ emissions from industries such as waste-to-energy, biogas, concrete, aluminum, steel and others. By converting 3.7 tons of CO₂ into 1 ton of carbon materials, UP Catalyst helps industrial partners reduce environmental impact while providing manufacturers with high-quality, competitive raw materials. This solution mitigates supply-chain risks, enhances sustainability, and ensures compliance with EU regulations. We are looking for opportunities to expand to Japan.

With the goal of producing 60,000 tons of carbon materials by 2030, UP Catalyst aims to abate around quarter of a million tons of CO₂, contributing to the sustainability goals of a wide range of industries.

Social media

Value Chain Key Words / バリューチェーンのキーワード

Materials / 素材Energy Storage / エネルギー貯蔵Services / サービスResearch and Development (R&D) / 研究開発Design & Engineering / 設計・エンジニアリングManufacturing/Production / 製造・生産Marketing and Sales / マーケティングおよび営業販売After-sales/ Customer Services / アフターサービスおよびカスタマーサービスInvestment/ Financing/ Funding / 投資/融資/資金

Green Technologies / グリーン関連技術

Battery/Storage technologies / バッテリー/蓄電Carbon Capture and storage (CCS) technologies / CO2 回収・貯留(CCS)Energy Efficiency Technologies / 省エネ技術Green materials / Low-carbon construction and manufacturing / グリーンマテリアル /低炭素建設・製造Circularity / Recycling / 循環性・循環型 /リサイクリング

Application fields / Business Area / 応用分野・業種

Solar Cells, Electronics, Material 太陽電池・エレクトロニクス・マテリアルFuel Cell Manufacturing / 燃料電池Batteries Manufacturing / 二次電池Automotive, Transport and Mobility / 自動車・輸送機器Parts, Materials & Equipment / 部品・材料・製造装置General Manufacturing / 製造業Steel Industry / 鉄鋼Chemical Industry / 化学

Additional questions

Kind of partners sought / お探しのパートナー

Technology license partner / 技術ライセンスパートナーInvestor / 投資者Manufacturing partner / 製造事業パートナーDistribution partner / ディストリビューションパートナーSupplier サプライヤーConsultant / Advisory / コンサルタント・アドバイザリー

More Profile Details

Year of foundation of the company/organisation / 会社・組織の設立年


Number of employees / 社員数


Annual turnover / 年間売上

1-10 Million EUR / 約1.5億ー15億円

Beneficiary or a participant in any of the below programmes?

EIT Climate-KICEU Business Hub Green Mission