H2Electro OÜ
Company (SME/startup) 中小企業・スタートアップ
Tallinn, EstoniaAbout
Founded in 2021, H2Electro develops high-efficiency solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) and stacks tailored for industrial decarbonization. H2Electro's technology is ideal for sectors like steel, ammonia, and chemical production, where hydrogen demand and process heat are significant.
Operating at 800–850°C, H2Electro's SOECs maximize efficiency by utilizing industrial waste heat while minimizing electrical losses. H2Electro's durable, all-ceramic electrodes ensure stability even in harsh conditions, overcoming challenges associated with oxygen, sulfur, and carbon contaminants. This eliminates the need for costly gas purification and protective atmospheres, making our solution ideal for industrial-scale applications.
By providing a scalable alternative to fossil-fuel-based hydrogen production, H2Electro helps heavy industries meet climate goals while reducing costs, driving sustainability where it matters most.
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