1s1 Energy
At 1s1 Energy, we leverage our proprietary materials to build revolutionary next-generation electrolyzers. We employ the same materials to unlock unprecedented performance for fuel cell manufacturers.
Our unique boron-based chemistries unlock previously unachievable performance and durability.
At 1s1 Energy we want to establish long-term relationships with partners who share our vision of accelerated decarbonization. We combine fresh and creative ideas with customer insights to realize effective and seamless solutions. Together we can unleash the potential of green hydrogen to decarbonize industry, long-term energy storage, and heavy-duty transport.
Green Technologies / グリーン関連技術
Value Chain Key Words / バリューチェーンのキーワード
Application fields / Business Area / 応用分野・業種
Additional questions
Kind of partners sought / お探しのパートナー
More Profile Details
Year of foundation of the company/organisation / 会社・組織の設立年
Number of employees / 社員数
>5Annual turnover / 年間売上
1-10 Million EUR / 約1.5億ー15億円Last round of funding - amount
US$ 1.4 Million
Last round of funding - year
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