Carsten Mosch
Lodestone Namibia & Hyron Africa
33 profile visitsSpeakerParticipant
Passionately developing Namibias first and only DRI Grade Iron Ore project for export & laying the cornerstone for a sustainable green steel value chain.
About me
My organisation
Lodestone Namibia & Hyron Africa
- Mining, Renewable Energy, Financing, Namibia
- Impact & Value Chain contribution
Additional questions
I am part of
African UnionCenters of interest
CRM - Mining and Raw Material Value AdditionCRM - Mining and ExplorationCRM - Refining and ProcessingCRM - Mining EquipmentCRM - Mining ConstructionCRM - Mining EngineeringRenewable Energy CompaniesElectrolyzer ManufacturersFuel Cell and Battery TechnologySolar Panels Technology and Equipment
Speaker sessions (1)
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
14:00 - 15:30