Nature Conservation Agency together with partners Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" implements LIFE program project LIFE REEF (LIFE19 NAT/LV/000973) that aims to define justified conservation status of protected habitats and contribute to comprehensive management system of marine protected areas in Latvia.
The main objectives of the project are:
Development of the quality criteria for evaluation of the protected marine habitats and review of existing definitions and descriptions of habitats;
Improvement of the monitoring methodology for assessment of qualitative and quantitative changes as well as influencing factors of benthic habitats, fishes and birds; identification of potential marine protected sites and development of proposals for new MPAs for the Natura 2000 Network;
Assessment of the effectiveness of the MPA network (including newly assessed territories) within the Latvian marine waters;
Development of the management plan for marine protected sites;
Assessment of ecosystem services provided by protected benthic habitats (1170 and 1110);
Development of an action plan for limiting invasive marine species and development of mitigation measures to reduce seabird and marine mammal bycatch in coastal fisheries.
Maritime Policy - Horizontal themes
Sea Basins
Blue Economy