DOORS - Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea
DOORS brings the four pillars of the Black Sea SRIA into reality, turning the challenges into opportunities for a highly valued Black Sea. It harmonises research and provides the infrastructure to better understand the Black Sea, particular ecosystem characteristics, develop the framework to support Blue Growth and early development of start-ups, and provides evidence to inform policy and behavioural change. It links citizens, science, and industry for critical Black Sea regeneration, stimulating a new wave of 'blue economy' opportunities. DOORS brings together the best expertise and technology from 35 institutions from the Black Sea region and European countries to address the human and climate change impacts in the marine ecosystem and enhance blue economy in the Black, using a Blue Growth Accelerator. The work of DOORS will open up the region for unparalleled economic opportunities for business in areas of tourism, technology, fishing, shipbuilding, maritime transport, education, renewables and much more. Emerging 'blue growth' sectors are supported and the nurturing of start-ups accelerated as the project builds community understanding, supporting a new generation of active citizens and industry.
Maritime Policy - Horizontal themes
Sea Basins
Blue Economy