European Maritime Day 2024

30–31 May 2024 | Svendborg, Denmark


Thursday, 30 May 2024 | 13:30 - 14:45

WS A-3. Observations to knowledge: Unlocking Ocean Insights

Workshop (room Lok 225 - floor 2)
83 participants


  • Rita Giuffrida, Researcher at Trust-IT Services srl and representing Blue-Cloud 2026


  • Neil Holdsworth, Head of Data and Information at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and representing SeaDataNet

  • Inga Lips, Secretary General at EuroGoos, representing the same institution

  • Smitesh Jain, Innovation Manager at EGI Foundation and representing iMagine


The workshop aims to explore the intricate connection between AI technologies, data governance, and policymaking within marine ecosystems, and how collaborative efforts among initiatives like Blue-Cloud, iMagine, SeaDataNet, and EuroGOOS address them. In addition, the audience can discover how they cooperate effectively to avoid duplication in efforts and enhance data quality. These discussions harness the collective expertise of the initiatives, reinforcing their position as leaders in advancing operational oceanography for comprehensive marine knowledge.

4 speakers