European Maritime Day 2024

30–31 May 2024 | Svendborg, Denmark


Thursday, 30 May 2024 | 15:00 - 16:15

WS A-8. EU Advisory Councils: Stakeholder engagement in policymaking for sustainable fisheries & aquaculture production and value chains

Format:In-personTrack:Workshop (plenary room - floor 1)
109 participants


  • Mark Dickey-Collas, independent marine scientist, former ICES ACOM Chair

  • Antonia Leroy, head of ocean policy at WWF EU, member of ACs

  • Jesper Raakjaer, chief visionary officer at Port of Aalborg, former PelAC Chair

  • Marta Ballesteros, social researcher at IEO-CSIC

Description: Through analysis of their functioning, the intention is to improve the understanding of their role in policy processes and to propose recommendations for improved stakeholder engagement for healthy and productive aquatic ecosystems, thriving blue economy, and vibrant markets. In the spirit of participatory governance, we will ask the audience to contribute to the resulting inter-AC advice on the functioning of ACs, which is the key deliverable of this event.

The workshop will be divided in 3 parts. First, the moderator will provide good practice examples of systematic stakeholder engagement. He will further explain the purpose behind the ACs and present them. Then, a videoclip from DG MARE on ACs will start a discussion in the panel where awareness about the role of ACs in shaping fisheries and aquaculture policies will be raised. The discussion will cover real-life examples of cooperation and consensus-building, adhering to the principles of good governance. We will also discuss shortcomings and possible improvements in terms of quality and impact in the decision-making process. Finally, the core of the workshop will consist of a breakout session (Ask Me Anything Bootcamp), to get the audience further acquainted with ACs functioning, in order to develop policy recommendations together with the groups lead (AC Secretaries). During that slot, the audience will get a flavour of what it is like to become part of an AC and effectively contribute to policy making.

The moderator will draw conclusions, that will form the Inter-AC advice on improving stakeholder engagement and promoting the role and the advice of the ACs.

4 speakers