European Maritime Day 2024

30–31 May 2024 | Svendborg, Denmark


Thursday, 30 May 2024 | 16:45 - 18:00

WS A-9. Small Scale Fisheries: From vision to practical implementation

Format:In-personTrack:Workshop (room Lok 106 - floor 1)
88 participants


  • Marc Eskelund, political adviser Foreningen for Skånsomt Kystfiskeri PO


  • Troels Hegland, Associate Professor, Centre for Blue Governance, Aalborg University

  • Kaija Barisa, Senior Economist, Blue Marine Foundation, MSc in Environmental Economics and Policy

  • Hanne Winter, biologist, Foreningen for Skånsomt Kystfiskeri PO


How small scale fisheries becomes the future of the CFP. SSF and low impact fisheries are often highlighted as part of the solution to sustainability in EU fisheries and the landing obligation. Low impact SFF fish in a selective manner, has a small fuel use and minimal impact on the seafloor. But still SFF struggle along the EU coasts. Less fish and administrative burdens threats the survival of SFF in a time where biodiversity and fisheries regulation should  increase and strengthen the SFF. The workshop will discuss how national and EU regulation should be implemented to support the SSF.

Implementation of the CFP into national regislation is a cross boarder disciplin where EU is the framework, but where member states can adapt their own regulation to strengthen the SSF. Using NS and BS as an example, these specific, potential and realized, political initiatives on SSF are discussed.

The workshop will via open dialogue and engagement between panel and audiences discuss practical ways in which national and EU regulation could be implemented to support small scale low impact fisheries. The workshop will focus on increased quota allocation and areas designated to the low impact sector, and how this is done in a just and fair manner.

4 speakers