Farmaforum 2024

26 Sept 2024 | Madrid, Spain

ProductUpdated on 20 September 2024

CREAM MASK with Apple anti-aging pluri-actives

Florence SELLIN


Paris, France


Targets the signs of fatigue and the signs of the time to reveal a pumpled and replenished skin. Also comforts overworked young skin.

Apple contains treasures of cosmetic efficiency.

Apple polyphenols fight against oxidative stress responsible for an acceleration of the skin aging. Apple isoquercetin activates sirtuins, proteins of longevity, fights against loss of elasticity and density of the skin protecting elastin and fighting against glycation and collagen stiffening. Apple seed oil moisturizes and revitalizes. Apple vegetal water invigorates the skin and infuses oligo-elements and mineral salts.

POMONE Paris creator of the Pomocosmetology :

The power of the apple combined with advanced cosmetic technology. Natural, vegan and free of controversial ingredients formulas for safe and clean beauty. Safety guaranteed by a toxicologist pharmacist.

Perfume :

The sensoriality of this product also comes from its original, addictive fragrance evoking the scent emanating from the cider apple harvest in autumn.

Presentation :

Skincare product presented in a glass jar, with screen-printed decor, protective top, spatula, cardboard box from sustainably managed forests.

Made in France :

Product designed and manufactured in France with the greatest care. Priority is given to ingredients and packaging of French origin.

Looking for

  • Other

Applies to

  • Cosmetic industry

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