Farmaforum 2024

26 Sept 2024 | Madrid, Spain

Project cooperationUpdated on 27 August 2024


María Mengual Mesa

Innovation and Technology Transfer Manager at IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND

Málaga, Spain


Cancer is one of the most studied diseases nowadays because of its mortality and incidence. There are several treatments for this disease, but its effectivity depends on the cancer type and the patient profile.
Cancer treatment with immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has a long response in responder patients and an acceptable toxicity, so it is a very good treatment for cancer. It is very usual the administration of a ligand of programmed cell death protein 1 inhibitor (anti-PD1) as a treatment for advanced melanoma patient. This treatment has a 20% high response than chemotherapy and patients are usually more tolerable.
Sin embargo, un porcentaje de los pacientes son insensibles o desarrollan resistencia, por lo que es necesario tener un patrón de biomarcadores predictivos que permita decidir el uso o no de anti-PD1.
However, a percentage of the patients are insensible or develop resistance to the treatment. To prevent the use of this treatment with non-response patients, a research group has developed a biomarker profile based on difference in gene expression to classify patients by their response profile.


  • Early
  • Execution


  • Financing

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