woensdag 6 november 2024 | 15:00 - 16:00

Win in China: Doing business with a changing China

Formaat:FysiekLocatie:Seminar Bubble 2Track:Expert talk
35 deelnemers

Mr. Bo Ji, Chief Representative for Europe and Assistant Dean of China’s top business school, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, will deliver the keynote speech. During the webinar, Professor Ji will share his perspective on how to be successful on the Chinese market. He will be tackling the opportunities and issues facing companies as they look to expand their businesses into China. Focusing on China as the land of opportunity, Professor Ji will also shed light on this diverse and complex market and how business leaders can change the mindset to engage successfully with China.

The programme is as follows:

Welcome by Ms. Gwenn Sonck, Executive Director, Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce

Keynote speech by Mr. Bo Ji, Chief Representative for Europe and Assistant Dean of China’s top business school, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

Georganiseerd door

2 sprekers

  • Gwenn Sonck

    Algemeen Directeur

    Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce

  • Bo Ji

    Chief Representative for Europe and Assistant Dean

    Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business