Flanders Make Symposium

22 Oct 2024 | Nekkerhal | Mechelen, Belgium

ProductUpdated on 4 October 2024

R&D on smart products and smart production systems

Jeroen De Maeyer

Business Development Manager at Ghent University - Flanders Make

Ghent, Belgium


We perform research that will make machines and factories more performant (efficiency, dynamics, quality, life time) through flexible, reliable and performant hardware concepts and cognitive intelligence (control).

Fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0)

  • Connectivity à data, new concepts e.g. cyber-physical systems, vertical & horizontal integration, end-to-end engineering and  human-worker 4.0 concepts.

  • New business models to emerge such as lot-size one production at the cost of series production and XaaS (X as a service).

Digital twins and artificial intelligence (AI) are key enabling technologies

  • Domain specific and expert knowledge is key (multi-physical, scalable models; traditional control loops or optimisation routines; and knowledge graphs drafted by humans).  

  • Human factor will remain key.

  • Actionable and interpretable decision support systems for design and quality engineer.

  • (Immersive) information exchange with operators

Real and innovative hardware needs to support/enable this

Applies to

  • Manufacturing

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