Business-to-Business Meetings at Floating Offshore Wind 2024

9–10 Oct 2024 | Aberdeen, United Kingdom

InvestmentUpdated on 10 September 2024

Tugdock Submersible Platform (TSP) Asset Co

Lucas Lowe-Houghton

CRO at Tugdock Limited

Falmouth, South West, United Kingdom


Tugdock is working on several opportunities with clients and partners across the globe that will see early deployment of the TSP technology on a FOW demonstration project before 2026. Tugdock is seeking investors to discuss Asset Co commercial arrnagments, developer led supply chain support, and asset sharing models. The TSP is currently at TRL 6-7, having been successfully demonstrated in an operational environment, particularly through the floating wind demonstration project Provenance Grand Large (PGL) Floating Offshore Wind Demonstration Project 3 x 8MW turbines in France. The full-scale design has now been verified by DNV through a technology qualification and a Statement of Feasibility (SoF) process. The next phase of work is expected to advance the TSP to TRL 8 and ultimately to TRL 9, confirming its readiness for full-scale commercial deployment in floating offshore wind projects.


  • Seed and Development
  • Growth and Establishment
  • Expansion
  • Maturity
  • Possible Exit

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