ProductUpdated on 31 January 2024
Zasilanie naturalną zielona energia w dzień i nocy projekt Horyzont Europa 2030
Prezes Zarządu i dyrektor projektu at Biomax FMS Sp.z.o.o
Under the Horizon Europe Regulation, it should be possible to create European Partnerships in three different forms, namely 'co-funded', 'co-programmed' and 'institutionalised'. The establishment of institutionalized European Partnerships, which are joint ventures between private and public sector partners, should include new Union legislation and the establishment of specific enforcement structures in accordance with Article 187 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
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Project cooperation
Ready and proven project, to be introduced only to the areas of the Euroean Union.
Krzysztof Dionizy Pułaski
Prezes Zarządu i dyrektor projektu at Biomax FMS Sp.z.o.o
Neural Nav - Vision based outdoor Navigation and Mission Planning system for orchards
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- Robotics
- Machinery
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Mohan Sivam
CEO & Founder at Neuralzome Cybernetics
Bengaluru, India
- Investor
- Components
- Distributor / importer
Alfiya Kayumova
Co-founder at Green Growth
Riga, Latvia