Büşra Özer
CAO - Chief Agriculture Officer
Orbiba Robotics
İzmir, Türkiye
4 profile visitsParticipant
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Orbiba stands for "an organic bond" motto. Our basic philosophy is the idea of “People become what they eat”. We believe that the cleaner the basic foods that sustain a person's life, the cleaner his body, spiritual and intellectual development will be.
Orbiba Robotics is an agriculture teknoloji startup that we established to produce affordable robot platforms that process data with AI for every individual who wants to contribute in the field of clean agriculture.
With this initiative, we want to support organic agriculture practitioners who take the initiative to solve the problem of access to safe food, the awareness of which is increasing day by day in the world, with smart small robots that we will design and develop, with minimal carbon footprint, using renewable energy, low cost and high return on investment.
While providing this support, we aim to provide solutions in line with new technological developments by discussing the difficulties experienced in organic agriculture with our relevant stakeholders.
About me
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Orbiba Robotics
Orbiba Robotics, temiz tarım alanında katkı sunmak isteyen her birey için karşılanabilir, yapay zeka ile veri işleyen akıllı robot platformları üretmek üzere kurduğumuz bir girişimdir.