ProductUpdated on 7 August 2024

Wires and Cables for Space Applications

István Héjjas

Sales Engineer at Axon Kábelgyártó kft.

Kecskemét, Hungary


Lightweight, ESA and space-grade wires and cables made by Axon' Cable are designed to withstand the stresses of launch, the orbiting conditions and the harsh space environment.

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ATOX-resistant wires and cables

Radatox insulated wires and cables achieve the best performance on the market in terms of resistance to atomic oxygen (ATOX) which erodes and damages spacecraft materials in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

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Anti-static wires and cables for space

Axon’ Cable has developed, with ESA support, an innovative range of low voltage antistatic cables resistant to electrostatic discharge (ESD) which will then contribute to the protection of electronic devices in spacecraft.

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Cables for the most challenging space applications

  • Internal cabling of electronic boxes

  • Low Earth Orbit (LEO) applications

  • Cryogenic applications (optical instruments)

  • Scientific instruments: sensors, cameras, seismometers

  • Power distribution in satellites

  • Cabling of mega-constellations

  • Cabling of exploration rover

  • Electronic equipment for platforms & payloads

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