CANCOM Czech republic, s.r.o.


www.cancom.comPrague, Czech Republic
7 profile visits


We are a supplier of IT solutions for smart metering of the second largest distributor in the Czech Republic (EG.D). Our reading center will collect data from more than 700,000 smart electricity meters (after the end of the 1st phase of the fallout in 2027). The solutions and use cases also include the processes of community energy and communication with EDC.

We have developed an application for end-to-end management of energy communities (from establishment, through onboarding of new members, processing of all necessary contracts, processing of production/consumption/sharing data, settlement and billing, optimization of community functioning based on collected historical data, recommendations on optimization - change of key, investment in RES, expansion of the community by new members (producers/consumers) according to the "community curve of consumption/production to maximize the efficiency of the community, etc. etc. Etc... up to possible off-boarding of members). The application runs successfully in Austria. We are planning localization in the Czech / Slovak environment.

ClimateTech: Tech Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Renewable Energy Technologies and TrendsSmart Grids for Energy Efficiency

HomeTech: Innovations in Smart Living

Smart Home Energy Management Systems


Martin Kadlec

Business Development Smart Metering / Smart Grid

CANCOM Czech republic, s.r.o.

Marketplace (1)

  • Partnership

    Energy communities (EC)

    We manage 60 ECs with more than 10 000 members in Austria with our Application. We are ready to roll-out app to another countries.


    Martin Kadlec

    Business Development Smart Metering / Smart Grid at CANCOM Czech republic, s.r.o.

    Prague, Czech Republic