Galicia Biodays Partnering

12–13 jun 2024 | Vigo, España

Iker García



BILBAO, España

24 visitas al perfilParticipante

Iker García, PhD in Photonics with extensive experience in the food and chemical industries, and the water sector.

Mi organización

Para lograr una optimización de los procesos de producción alimentaria y aumentar la productividad, hemos desarrollado la plataforma AONIR, que consta de dos componentes principales, por un lado, sensores ópticos basados en espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano (NIR) y, por otro, una plataforma IoT para el almacenamiento, la visualización y la generación de alarmas e informes relacionados con la calidad de los productos analizados. El componente clave son los sensores instalados en la propia línea de producción, que pueden enviar datos relacionados con la composición química del producto o la humedad en tiempo real a nuestra plataforma IoT o directamente a un PLC. Con estos datos, se pueden tomar decisiones rápidas para evitar que el producto final esté fuera de especificación, reduciendo así los residuos. Además del control de calidad, nuestra plataforma puede monitorizar el propio proceso, contribuyendo a un importante ahorro energético gracias al control del proceso de producción, consiguiendo así una producción alimentaria más eficiente y sostenible. Este sistema es válido para la caracterización de diferentes tipos de productos como líquidos, polvos, sólidos, masas, etc. Además, ofrecemos el servicio de desarrollo y mantenimiento de modelos predictivos, esencial para el correcto funcionamiento de los equipos. También estamos desarrollando la versión portátil de la innovadora plataforma AONIR para el control de calidad y la trazabilidad desde la entrada de la materia prima hasta el producto final.  Los sensores portátiles AONIR proporcionarán en línea los parámetros más característicos de los productos en cada paso de la cadena alimentaria, desde la granja hasta la mesa. Los principales parámetros de calidad de los productos podrían enviarse a la plataforma IoT y certificarse mediante blockchain. Obteniendo así una trazabilidad completa de los productos.
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Acerca de mí

Iker García, CEO at AOTECH, completed his PhD thesis entitled ‘Development of a fibre optic sensor for the measurement of tip clearance and tip timing in aeronautical engines’ in 2017 and as a result he has published numerous scientific articles. He worked for 3 years in a company dedicated to the manufacture of equipment for the food industry. Both his high level of knowledge in optical systems and his experience in the industry have been key to the development of this project.

Mi organización


ADVANCED OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. (AOTECH) is a spin-off of the University of the Basque Country whose mission is to apply photonic solutions to all kinds of industrial processes. We aim to be a transversal provider of photonic solutions, so we are developing several technologies that we think may be the key to disruptive solutions in the near future. We have three product lines: spectroscopy-based devices for the food industry, chemical bath monitoring systems for the chemical industry and real-time control solutions for the water sector.

In order to increase productivity and efficiency in food production, we have developed the AONIR platform, which will allow in-line and real-time characterisation of food production, through non-destructive measurements, from the input of raw materials to the final product. AONIR consists of two main components, on the one hand, optical sensors based on near-infrared spectroscopy, and on the other hand, an IoT platform where sensor data is collected, and reports and alarms are generated.

The key component is the sensors that are installed on the production line itself and can send data regarding the chemical composition of the product or moisture, as well as monitoring of different processes, in real time to our IoT platform or directly to a PLC.  With this data, quick decisions can be made to prevent the final product from deviating from certain specifications, thus achieving a more efficient and sustainable production. In addition, we offer the development and maintenance service of predictive models, which is essential for the proper operation of the equipment.

For the chemical industry, we are developing an in-line, real-time monitoring system for chemical baths. With this measurement system it is possible to obtain in-line and in real-time the concentration of electrolytes in the baths to be analysed, specifically the concentration of nickel and copper. With this system, the state of the baths can be monitored continuously with a twofold objective. Firstly, to ensure the necessary conditions of the baths to achieve coatings of the desired quality, and secondly, to be able to take the necessary corrective measures to compensate for any deviations, which would extend the useful life of the baths and have a great impact, not only economically, but also environmentally.

Finally, in the water sector, we are developing a system that will enable in-line and real-time measurements of parameters such as COD, nitrite and nitrate concentrations, ammoniacal nitrogen, ammonium, and phosphorus. The proof of concept, developed under laboratory conditions to characterise wastewater, groundwater, surface water, and drinking water samples, is yielding promising preliminary results. These findings are particularly significant for the determination of COD and nitrates, underscoring the viability of our technology and its substantial potential for future applications in water treatment and monitoring.

Redes sociales


  • NIR Spectroscopy
  • Photonics
  • Advanced Sensors
  • Machine-learning
  • digitalisation
  • AI-based modelling
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Real-time characterisation


  • Sensor
  • food industry
  • smart industry
  • Efficiency
  • sustainability
  • Water
  • Chemical Industry
  • monitoring

Preguntas adicionales

Organization category

Supplier & EngineeringBiotech - FoodBiotech - R&D Services