WTCA 55th Global Business Forum

6–9 Apr 2025 | Marseille, France

World Trade Centre Winnipeg


www.wtcwinnipeg.comWinnipeg, Canada
1 profile visit


World Trade Centre Winnipeg is a non-profit bilingual organization that supports Manitoba businesses from a variety of industries that are looking to grow, notably by expanding to new international markets. We support theses businesses through advisory services, market research and programming.

Areas of Activity

Advanced Media and TechnologyArtificial IntelligenceCell and gene therapyCyberDigital HealthDigital Twins & IoTEmerging TechnologiesEnergy and Natural ResourcesEnvironmentFashion and BeautyFinTechFood and BeverageLife SciencesManufacturing and Supply ChainMining and MetalsPowerRailRenewables and SustainabilityTechnologyTransport and InfrastructureOther

Additional questions

Does your company import?


Does your company export?


Please list to which countries you export to.

We support businesses that export to and import from a variety of countries

Has your company conducted business in France or European Region?


If yes, please specify to where


What outcomes would make this B2B matchmaking successful for your company?

WTC Winnipeg is looking to help facilitate connections for Manitoba businesses with international companies looking for partnerships or collaborations.

Including yourself, how many delegates from your company will attend the GBF?


Please list your average company annual revenue (in USD)


Are you interested in obtaining an exhibitor booth (separate fees apply)?



André Brin

Chief Executive Officer/ Directeur général

World Trade Centre Winnipeg