GreenTech Solutions Summit

26 Sept 2024 | Bettembourg, Luxembourg

Julia Scheidt

Produktmanagement Dyckerhoff Beton

Dyckerhoff GmbH

Wiesbaden, Germany

6 profile visitsSpeakerOthers


My organisation

Dyckerhoff is an international producer of cement and ready-mixed concrete.  We are a Buzzi company. Buzzi is a corporation located in Italy, which operates in 13 countries, with almost 10,000 employees worldwide.

In Germany, we operate seven cement plants and around 110 ready-mixed concrete plants. Additional production sites are located in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Additional questions

Area of activity

Sustainable Construction and Renovation

From which region are you joining?


Will you attend the networking lunch?

Yes, I will attend the Networking Lunch

Will you attend the closing networking cocktail?

No, I will not attend the Networking Closing Cocktail

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 26 September 2024

14:50 - 15:15

Construction - Recycling technologies and Reuse

Sustainable construction
  • Recycling Technologies

Recycled concrete in practical application - an experience report, Redefining Waste: Reuse in Construction