GreenTech Solutions Summit

26 Sept 2024 | Bettembourg, Luxembourg

Alexandre Folmer

Chef de projet Greater Green +

Grand E-Nov+

Metz, France

12 profile visitsSpeakerOthers


My organisation

Agence régionale d’innovation et de prospection internationale

Additional questions

Area of activity

Recycling TechnologiesWater Management & EnvironmentBioeconomyClean energySustainable Construction and Renovation

From which region are you joining?

Grand Est

Will you attend the networking lunch?

Yes, I will attend the Networking Lunch

Will you attend the closing networking cocktail?

Yes, I will attend the Networking Closing Cocktail

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 26 September 2024

10:40 - 11:00

Greater Green+ project


Project description, objectives, partners, topics and deliverables