GreenTech Solutions Summit

26 Sept 2024 | Bettembourg, Luxembourg

Karl Keilen

Vorstandsvorsitzender Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz

Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz

Umweltcampus Birkenfeld Hochschule Trier, Germany

3 profile visitsSpeakerOthers

Prof. Dr. Karl Keilen is an energy expert at Kunz Rechtsanwälte, Deputy Chairman of DGS Rheinland-Pfalz, and former official at RLPs Ministry of Environment.


My organisation

Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz

We are Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz, a committed network of innovative companies and organizations focused on promoting sustainability and environmental technologies in the region. Our aim is to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and drive eco-friendly initiatives that lead to a greener future. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, we create a platform for exchanging ideas and best practices in sustainability. Together, we are dedicated to advancing the green economy and addressing the environmental challenges of our time.

Additional questions

Area of activity

Recycling TechnologiesWater Management & EnvironmentBioeconomyClean energySustainable Construction and Renovation

From which region are you joining?


Will you attend the networking lunch?

Yes, I will attend the Networking Lunch

Will you attend the closing networking cocktail?

Yes, I will attend the Networking Closing Cocktail

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 26 September 2024

11:10 - 12:10

Greentech challenges and solutions in the Greater Region


Round table, GreenTech in the Greater Region: challenges, solutions and vision of the future