ExpertiseUpdated on 9 November 2023
API Development and Integration 应用程序接口(API)开发与集成
This service helps cut down development time and costs by integrating third-party API platforms & systems.
Our API development process:
1. Sprint planning: a roadmap is drawn to ensure the teams clearly understand all elements and the project as a whole.
2. Technological architecture: monolithic applications are split into microservices. Breaking up the code allows the teams to work faster and more independently.
3. Weekly sprints: ensure everyone is on the same page and has room to share any doubts.
4. Code testing: to help detect functionality problems before launch.
* *1. 冲刺计划:
** 绘制路线图以确保团队清楚地了解所有元素和整个项目。
**2. 技术架构:
**单体应用程序被拆分为微服务。 分解代码可让团队更快、更独立地工作。
**3. 每周冲刺:
** 确保所有人达成共识,并有空间分享任何疑问。
*4. 代码测试:*帮助在启动前检测功能问题。
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Tom Ta
Business Development Specialist at Amela Technology JSC
Hanoi, Viet Nam