Raluca Stancu

Business Analyst European Projects

Software Imagination and Vision

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My organisation

Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI) is an IT company with experience in the following fields of activity: Security & Cybersecurity, Education & eTraining, eHealth, eAgriculture, Customised Applications, ERP & BI, eCustoms, and Government with +1500 commercial clients and +300 succesful projects in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, CIS area. SIMAVI staff consists of IT specialists with complementary technological capabilities: Cybersecurity, Big Data Analytics, IoT, Data mining, Cloud computing, Decision Support Systems, User interfaces, UX design, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Serious Games and Training. Our team is covering all stages of projects development from solution design, proof of concept to prototyping and end-user implementation. SIMAVI is a member of several prestigious associations in the field of ICT like The European Alliance of IoT Innovation (AIOTI) and Big Data Value Association (BDVA). SIMAVI is acting as coordinator / technological partner in the following European Projects from various domains: - Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation: RED-Alert(SIMAVI Coordinator); TeamAware(SIMAVI Coordinator); Search&Rescue; CREST; PREVISION; MAGNETO; CONNEXIONS SpeechXRays; - Border security: ODYSSEUS(SIMAVI Coordinator); BorderUAS(SIMAVI Coordinator); SMILE; METICOS; - Cybersecurity: ECHO; SIMARGL; CC-DRIVER ; SECANT; - Critical Infrastructures: IMPETUS; ENSURESEC; PANTHEON; - Internal Security Fund: SPIRIT; - Energy & Smart cities: EnergyShield; inteGRIDy. FLEXMETER; FLEXIGRID; CyberSEAS; - Health: STRATIF-AI; PAINLESS; SPHINX; DeepHealth; DeepHealth; InteropEHRate; ProCare4Life; MES-CoBraD; vCare; - Industry 4.0: ZDMP; KYKLOS 4.0; ReCiPSS; FACTLOG; CircThread; NEMO; MatCHMaker; PREDICT-6G; - Agriculture and Green Deal: DEMETER; SILVANUS; TREEADS; Opt4EU; AgriDataValue; TRIBIOME; NEVERMORE; - Smart communities: FLOOD-serv; SUPER_MoRRI; NAIADES; LIV-IN; EUNOMIA; - Cultural Heritage & Immersive Technologies for Training: SHIFT(SIMAVI Coordinator); XR4ED; HECOF; PALAEMON; NEWTON; BEACONING; LAW-GAME; ISOLA;. R&D References: https://www.simavi.ro/en/rd-projects Tools • Real-time Early Detection and Alerting Framework for collecting, processing and storing online data related to terrorist activities • Social Media Data Acquisition Engine • Machine Learning Based Event Information Fusion • Collaborative virtual community of practice • Face recognition biometrical tool for secured access • Access management system for ticketing (metro stations, stadium, concert, events) • Decision Support System for air quality management control • IoT Smart devices reading data tool • Tool for tracking people with special health conditions and measuring biological parameters.
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About me

My organisation

Software Imagination and Vision


Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI) is an IT company with experience in the following fields of activity: Security & Cybersecurity, Education & eTraining, eHealth, eAgriculture, Customised Applications, ERP & BI, eCustoms, and Government with +1500 commercial clients and +300 succesful projects in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, CIS area.

SIMAVI staff consists of IT specialists with complementary technological capabilities: Cybersecurity, Big Data Analytics, IoT, Data mining, Cloud computing, Decision Support Systems, User interfaces, UX design, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Serious Games and Training.

Our team is covering all stages of projects development from solution design, proof of concept to prototyping and end-user implementation. SIMAVI is a member of several prestigious associations in the field of ICT like The European Alliance of IoT Innovation (AIOTI) and Big Data Value Association (BDVA).

SIMAVI is acting as coordinator / technological partner in the following European Projects from various domains:

- Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation: RED-Alert(SIMAVI Coordinator); TeamAware(SIMAVI Coordinator); Search&Rescue; CREST; PREVISION; MAGNETO; CONNEXIONS SpeechXRays;

- Border security: ODYSSEUS(SIMAVI Coordinator); BorderUAS(SIMAVI Coordinator); SMILE; METICOS;


- Critical Infrastructures: IMPETUS; ENSURESEC; PANTHEON;

- Internal Security Fund: SPIRIT;

- Energy & Smart cities: EnergyShield; inteGRIDy. FLEXMETER; FLEXIGRID; CyberSEAS;

- Health: STRATIF-AI; PAINLESS; SPHINX; DeepHealth; DeepHealth; InteropEHRate; ProCare4Life; MES-CoBraD; vCare;

- Industry 4.0: ZDMP; KYKLOS 4.0; ReCiPSS; FACTLOG; CircThread; NEMO; MatCHMaker; PREDICT-6G;

- Agriculture and Green Deal: DEMETER; SILVANUS; TREEADS; Opt4EU; AgriDataValue; TRIBIOME; NEVERMORE;

- Smart communities: FLOOD-serv; SUPER_MoRRI; NAIADES; LIV-IN; EUNOMIA;

- Cultural Heritage & Immersive Technologies for Training: SHIFT(SIMAVI Coordinator); XR4ED; HECOF; PALAEMON; NEWTON; BEACONING; LAW-GAME; ISOLA;.

R&D References: https://www.simavi.ro/en/rd-projects


• Real-time Early Detection and Alerting Framework for collecting, processing and storing online data related to terrorist activities

• Social Media Data Acquisition Engine

• Machine Learning Based Event Information Fusion

• AI/ML-powered Prediction & Visual Intelligence

• Face recognition biometrical tool for secured access

• AI-based Decision Support Systems

• Digital Twins

• Cybersecurity solutions (data encryption, authentication, authorization, vulnerability assessment, threat detection, risk mitigation)

• IoT Platform development & Data integration from IoT sensors

• Tele-monitoring & Tele-rehabilitation applications


• Tools for climate change impact assessment

• Citizen participatory platform / RRI platform / Knowledge-sharing platform

• Advanced mobile technologies

• eTraining & eAwareness digital tools (highly interactive digital content, 3D immersive, XR/AR/VR)

• Authoring Tools to create, design, and produce scenarios

• customized ICT frameworks and customized digital infrastructures – strong expertise in integration & interoperability


  • AI
  • MachineLearning
  • IoTDevelopment
  • IoTSecurity
  • IoTManufacturing
  • Cloud
  • saas
  • ImmersiveTech
  • xr
  • Integration
  • Interoperability
  • BigData
  • DataAnalytics
  • DataVisualization


  • World leading data and computing technologies
  • Digital and emerging technologies
  • Advanced digital technologies for manufacturing
  • Circularity of resources in process industries
  • Green, flexible, advanced manufacturing
  • Industry 5.0

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Call topics of interest

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