Impact Days 2024

5–7 Jun 2024 | Vienna, Austria

Taraneh Abdelrahimsai

Co-Founder UseYourRight


62 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker

Equality activist, community builder and co-founder of UseYourRight the multilingual assistance for access to fundamental rights and social benefits for all.

My organisation




Vienna, Austria

UseYourRight is an AI-based online platform for social-legal basic care, making housing law accessible to all.

About me

Climate justice requires social justice and fundamental rights and human rights are non-negotiable, but not equally accessible to all people. That's why we started UseYourRight, an AI-bot system that uses the state of the art of technology to utilize benefits in the social and public sphere and improve life for all people.

My organisation


UseYourRight will be an AI-assistant that supports people in Austria with their applications for social subsidies by providing simplified and multilingual information.

In Austria, 17.5% of the population is at risk of poverty or exclusion, which corresponds to approximately 1.6 million people who potentially have difficulties in finding affordable housing. Additionally, almost 1.2 million Austrians struggle with language barriers. UseYourRight is an AI-based online platform that acts as an interface and assists socially disadvantaged individuals with housing subsidies and applications, to enable them to exercise their fundamental right to housing. UseYourRight will be the online platform for social-legal basic care, making housing law accessible to all. (COMING SOON!)

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 6 June 2024

16:15 - 17:15

The Power of AI for Social Impact

Location:Hofburg - Radetzky I
Breakout Session
  • Technology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Capital