Impact Days 2024

5–7 Jun 2024 | Vienna, Austria

🌿🌍 Stefan Kainz, CFA

Chief Listener - powered by crowd4projects GmbH

Vienna, Austria

13 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Stefan Kainz, CFA works as Chief Listener & Storyteller at the crowdinvesting platform (formerly known as crowd4climate). Stefan has more than 25 years of experience in the financial industry: from consulting, investment management, retail banking, FinTech startup, agency foundation to social entrepreneur. He also serves as a coordinator of IINA - Impact Investor Network Austria and as an Investment Director Impact at CELL Invest. Stefan was born in Salzburg, lives in Vienna with his family of five and enjoys telling stories about his long-distance hike from Salzburg to Trieste.

My organisation - powered by crowd4projects GmbH is a social enterprise and offers investment opportunities, information and inspiration for sustainable and regenerative investments - crowdinvesting into climate projects.

Social media

Speaker sessions (3)

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

16:00 - 18:00

Impact Investors - Reception

Format:In-personLocation:Hofburg - MarmorsaalTrack:Invitation Only
  • Capital

Invitation only partner reception. BIII (German Impact Investing Association), IINA, Toniic, TWIST, impact networks come together to re-connect and align intentions, share learning and launch the Austrian chapter of BIII.

Thursday, 6 June 2024

13:30 - 14:45

The Green 100 - Wie finanziere ich mein Unternehmen? (in German)

Format:In-personLocation:Hofburg - ParterreTrack:The Green100
  • Climate
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Capital

Eine authentische und persönliche Diskussion, die Ihnen hilft, Ihr Unternehmensprojekt voranzutreiben und Herausforderungen in der Finanzierung erfolgreich zu meistern.

15:30 - 17:00

The Green 100 - Abschluss der Messe (in German)

Format:In-personLocation:Hofburg - ParterreTrack:The Green100
  • Climate
  • Capital

Unter aktiver Einbindung des Publikums schauen wir zurĂŒck auf den Tag und wagen einen Ausblick auf die fĂŒr ein nachhaltiges und klimafreundliches Finanzsystem wichtigsten Entwicklungen und Entscheidungen.