Nicole Traxler
Managing Director
Alles Clara GmbH
Vienna, Austria
Alles Clara bietet pflegenden Angehörigen digitale Entlastungs-& Pflegeberatung unabhängig von Ort und Zeit übers Handy & hilft den Pflegeberuf zu attraktiviern
About me
My organisation
Nicole leads Alles Clara. Alles Clara offers family caregivers digital relief and care counseling accessible at any time or place through an app on their mobile phones. As a cross-sector collaboration, Alles Clara is a digital social service that reaches and empowers caregivers early and individually, connecting them to services and making the care profession more attractive. With the Alles Clara app, the team has developed a data-secure and easy-to-use online counselling infrastructure that is currently being transferred to other counselling settings, where it will contribute to strengthening usability and data protection.
Speaker sessions (1)
Friday, 7 June 2024
09:00 - 12:00
Building a More Inclusive and Just Healthcare System
- Health
Join us for an exploration of building a more just public healthcare system - confronting concrete barriers and inequalities in access, affordability, and quality of care head-on.